So I've now done 3 corners.
That lower right corner was a pain with a gazillion colour changes - but the effect is worth it.
It will be so awesome when it's finished.
this Historical Sample Co pattern was in the October 2005 issue of The Cross Stitcher. Although I put the magazine, kitted up, in my stash pile at time it arrived - I didn't start stitching it until a month ago.
Amazingly for me, it is now finished. "All" I have to do now is make it into a hanging.
Christmas fabric stash run to Spotlight coming up...
...a day after their sale ended.
Now, that eternal question - how to present it? I have thoughts of it as a box topper, but where to find a box? I've not had much luck finding a source here in NZ.
The Ribbon Rose are now stocking Framecrafts lovely bowls, but they're quite expensive (try $98 for the large one).
I will just have to keep my eyes open in my travels for inspiration.
That's Cheetah in her favourite spot for overnight snoozing.
Finally got around to making the girls some more training leotards.
1.What time did you get up this morning? 7.30am
2.Diamonds or pearls? Pearls
3.What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Mamma Mia
4.What is your favourite TV show? Mythbusters
5.What do you usually have for breakfast? Cereal
6.What is your middle name? Dora
7.What food do you dislike? Liver
8.What is your favourite CD at moment? Allegri Miserere Mei
9.What kind of car do you drive? Hyundai La Vita
10.Favourite sandwich? Cheese
11.What characteristic do you despise? Hypocrisy
12.Favourite item of clothing? Red polar fleece coat
13.If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Italy
14.Favourite brand of clothing? No favourite
15.Where would you retire to? Somewhere with a good LNS
16.What was your most recent memorable birthday? 40
17.Favourite sport to watch? Gymnastics
18.Furtherest place you are sending this? All round the world since it's on my blog
19.Person you expect to send it back first? Not sure
20.Are you a morning person or a night person? Both
21.What is your shoe size? 7 (37)
22.Pets? 4 cats
23.Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? Nope, all is nicely normal at the moment, yay!
24.What did you want to be when you were little? I had no idea whatsoever – still don’t, LOL
25.How are you today? Pretty good thanks
26.What is your favourite sweet? Anything that contains chocolate
27.What is your favourite flower? Ones with variegated petals
28.What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? Sept 19 – girls day out to a Craft & Quilt show
29.What are you listening to right now? Radio Hauraki
30.What was the last thing you ate? Fresh iced cinnamon buns
31.Do you wish on stars? No
32.If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Yellow
33.How is the weather right now? Sunny with clouds and windy
34.The first person you spoke to on the phone today? Don’t know, it was a wrong number!
35.Favourite soft drink? Lemon
36.Favourite restaurant? Sangeets
37.Real hair colour? Dark brown
38.What was your favourite toy as a child? Can’t remember
39.Summer or winter? Summer
40.Hugs or kisses? Hugs
41.Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
42.Coffee or tea? Neither
43.Do you want your friends to Post you back? Yes
44.When was the last time you cried? Almost this morning – a friend was upset
45.What is under your bed? Dust Bunnies
46.What did you do last night? Watched TV and did sudoku
47.What are you afraid of? My kids getting hurt
48.Salty or sweet? Sweet
49.How many keys on your key ring? 4
50.How many years at your current job? 9 months
51.Favourite day of the week? Saturday
52.How many towns have you lived in? Just Auckland, but many suburbs within that city
53.Do you make friends easily? Sometimes
54.How many people will you send this to? Everyone who reads my blog
55.How many will respond? One or two maybe - but if you do play along, post a comment and I'll come read yours :)
Cameo from Studio Window also had a recent post discussing/ wondering who reads her blog, and I've just added a live feed showing where people have popped in from - so it seems that curiosity about one's blog readers is a bit of a trend at the moment.
Anyhoo, hope y'all had a good weekend and are enjoying the Olympics (great excuse to be on the couch stitching!)
Go New Zealand :)
Lyn Manning's Picanini CanCan. A NZ produced kit by a NZ designer.
Now I get to rummage amongst the WIPs and try to keep the stitching going, else I won't match last year's goal of a finish a month.
Then on the last weekend of the holidays (last Saturday) we drove to Hamilton for the Waikato Open comp. Hamilton City Gymnastics is a lovely venue, and the host club had the event very well organised.
Jess' team came third, and she again improved her scores. She was disappointed that neither her UB or BB scores improved enough to get ribbons, but was happy with 7th overall. No Counties or Nth Hbr, but Eastern Suburbs and Argos were in attendance providing some stiff competition. The TriStar girls generally had a good comp, and lots of fun was had at Burger King afterward for a wind down before heading back to Auckland.
Next stop: Counties Manukau Opens first weekend of August.
Bruce McIndoe was a huge influence in my huband's life, after coming into it when Steve was in his very early teens. Bruce has been a large part of my daughters' lives too - very much a larger than life character. He always made me, one of the 3 daughters-in-law of his second wife of over 20years, very welcome.
Bruce, you will be missed. Lots and often.
Be afraid, be very afraid cos yes, the Evil Gym Mom is now in possession of a handycam! (Blame Dick Smith - they had a really good weekend special on a JVC HDD model)
Still getting used to it, so took several videos of Jess training on Monday and today. Also getting used to transferring the files around, uploading and posting them - hence the one above.
Oh btw Floss, just so you can pre-empt Sophie's eye roll, that's a glide kip, cast, back hip circle, cast, straddle on jump to high bar, long kip, cast, straddle on undershoot dismount. It should be a lot smoother and more flowing than that, with straight arms everywhere - but she's working on it.
I hope to get better before the next comp on July5, especially as that's the last comp for Tamsin for this year and therefore my last chance to capture some L1B action. Jess has 3 more after next weekend before she's finished; the joys of being a L4!
And this is a not very good video to illustrate my long winded post regarding L4 vaulting:
I'm not allowed to deliberately video anyone other than my children, so I can't show any comparisons that illustrate a "bad" vault, but hopefully the flight and pop off the vault are clear in the 2 seconds shown. I've still to learn how to edit etc with this new toy, so bear with me :)KTHNXBAI