Monday, July 7, 2008

Goodbye GamGam

I have a very hard, sad task to do today.

I have to tell my girls that their beloved GamGam (Steve's stepdad, my father-in-law) died this morning.

Bruce McIndoe was a huge influence in my huband's life, after coming into it when Steve was in his very early teens. Bruce has been a large part of my daughters' lives too - very much a larger than life character. He always made me, one of the 3 daughters-in-law of his second wife of over 20years, very welcome.

Bruce, you will be missed. Lots and often.



Andie said...

Oh Hugs! Will be thinking of you!

Rowyn said...

Really sorry to read of your family's loss Kathryn. Sending hugs your way.

Barb said...

I'm sorry to hear of your loss.