Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Yes, that last post

did feature another new leotard:

Just experimenting.... seeing what happens when I try ideas.
Can't resist that neon peach lycra either!  It's one of my faves, teehee.

Look what I can do!

After much angst (she's been able to limber for well over a year, but the kick over just wouldn't happen), Tink now has the technique and confidence to do "proper" back walkovers.  She got a "rhythmic" version last week of term - limber then kick over - which has its uses, but the proper way (i.e. artistic) uses better technique meaning no sore back and a faster, better connected move (long term) so that was the one she really needed to master.  This one isn't one of her best, but practice will tidy them up  :)
Forward walkovers are still someway away....

Monday, April 18, 2011

Here we go again

The 2011 competition season has started.  It was the Counties Manukau Rhythmic Champs on the weekend.
Tamsin competed L3, and had a disaster.  Only two routines ready, memory issues, me getting her there late for warm up and she freaked out - running off the floor barely into her rope routine for an automatic score of zero.  Ball, while no drops, was full of small fumbles and shuffles so got the blah score of 6.65.
Discussion with her coach needed.  What to do?

Jess, on the other hand, went out and did clean, solid routines and came away with scores that she's really happy with.  Result: 3rd free, 2nd clubs, 2nd hoop and 2nd overall with a 44.65.  This is up on this time last year - GO JESS

Holiday training this fortnight, then back to school for term 2.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Do you know your ABCs?

Spotted this on From Fat to Marathon Runner's blog (was StitchieKiwi) and thought, why not? looks fun!

Age: 43
Bed size: Queen (need room for up to five cats you see, never mind DH!)
Chore you hate: dusting
Dogs: fine mostly - better if I know them (e.g. brother's lovely chocolate labrador Bella)
Essential start of your day: shower
Fav colour: yellow
Gold or silver: either
Height: 5'4"

Instruments I play: I learnt the piano when I was 10, tried oboe in Year9
Job title: HR Admin
Kids: Jess (nearly 14) Tamsin (9)
Live: near Auckland Airport, NZ
Mom’s name: Betty
Nicknames: Evil Gym Mom
Overnight hospital stays: 2 for childbirth, once in the run up to childbirth, once for eye op age 3
Pet peeve: bad formatting of MSWord and Excel docs - setting tabs is soooo easy people!
Quote from a movie: One ping only, Vassily - Hunt for Red October; You are soo blonde, Chelsea - St Trinians
Right or left handed: left mainly

Siblings: elder sister and brother
Time you wake up: 5.30amish
Underwear: Got to have it.

Veg you dislike: where do I start?! And I work in horticulture, lol.  Beans definitely
What makes you run late: reading
X-rays you have had done: Teeth, foot
Yummy food you make: choc fudge
Zoo, favorite animal: tiger
Give it a go, I dare ya!

El Matador

Tink wanted a red, black and gold leotard, her rope is red, and her music is called "the bullfighter" - so this is what emerged:
Like the previous leo, it is too large... sleeves too floppy and the butt very baggy.  She has rope next year (Level 4) but I suspect she'll be taller, but no wider/ rounder so it still won't fit.  Oh well - it was worth giving matching the music a go!  But it definitely means she's a size 7 with extra long arms.
Anyone need a size 8 leo? or two?