Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 - playing with the Christmas presents

For Christmas my dear friend Sarah and her DH, Bill, gave my DH, Steve:
and today was the perfect day to fly it - windy.
Why not any earlier since Christmas was over a week ago? Cos Steve and the girls have been at Big Bay with Steve's brother's family, fishing.
And on the day after New Year (Saturday) they finally managed to catch some keepers - yay! To cap it all off it was a competition, so Jess came home with a rod and tackle kit of her own that she won, woohoo!
Meanwhile , since I'm not into going fishing, I got to have a lovely day (Friday) with my parents doing Wasjigs; then two days (Sat/Sun) with Sarah stitching and shopping. Bill stayed home flying - although in his case it's remote controlled aircraft.
Fabulous, just fabulous.
Gotta love NZ summer holidays!

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