I had these two leos cut out and partially started back in late August, hoping to have them done so the girls could wear them at the last comp for the '09 season (Jess for rope, Tamsin for hoop) - but going to Oxford got in the way.
Anyhoo, I got them out again yesterday and got going. Here they are, done but for the bling:
I have the fabric and some thoughts lined up for the 2010 comp season leos.
Tamsin needs one to match her ball (an awesome pink), one for her new, larger, hoop (a Tinkerbell style green with lots of periodot swarovski crystals) and the one above can be her freehand once I've blinged it.
Jess needs one for her ribbon (red with gold bling), one for her hoop (purple with silver bling) and the one above for free hand once I've blinged it somehow. The white fabric is a teensy bit see through so the bling will provide some coverup. I want to experiment with glitter/ pearl fabric paint. In fact, the blue on the sleeves of Jess' is actually fabric paint.
I spent the afternoon a couple of days ago taping their new, larger, hoops: 3 layers for each - duct tape, then colours, then clear protective. The last layer is the hardest cos you can't really tell where you've been, LOL.
The things us Evil Gym Moms do ... nuts, especially as I have a cross stitch close to finishing, and two lovely designs just started - all being neglected.
Oh well, lycra is such fun to stitch on (really forgiving) and who can resist bling???