Season's Greetings, and here's a seasonal finish:
2009 Tree from M Designs
And just cos I feel like it, here's a photo from the 2009 comp season - courtesy of rsgphotog.blogspot, taken by the lovely Jessica who has since gone to Canada to further her art studies.
Tamsin, at her first comp at Counties Manukau.
Today has been a very quiet, peaceful Sunday - deliberately so.
Why? Because it was the day after two days of this:
Tamsin (as a raindrop)
Raindrops en masse
Victoria and Jess - seagulls
2009 SABA Recital "The Pearl"
Four shows of 2 hours duration, 5 mins each on stage per show over two days.
Net result? Lots, and I mean hours, of hanging about in dressingrooms waiting. And it was noisy. And reeked of hairspray.
The girls loved it.
Which is what it is all about.