Thursday, March 19, 2009

Leotards AGAIN

I'm a sucker for pretty leotards. If I had a limitless budget, my girls would each have 20 different leotards in their drawer. I can spend ages on the GK and AlphaFactor websites just window shopping - but at at up to US$140/ leotard, they stay in the window though. The high performance little girls (under12s) at TriStar have mums who do buy lots of leos, and I love seeing every new one they wear. There's someone on TradeMe that is doing good business out of those mums, LOL.
Jess 'earned' a new GK leo last year and she adores it (Dancers Wardrobe in Remuera stocks some and will order in). Who wouldn't when the fit is comfy and it has pink leopard print fabric with crystal embellishments? I must get a photo now I think about it....

This year, Tamsin needs a competition Rhythmic leotard. There's not "club" leos like there are in WAG that get ordered through the gym club. Only the groups wear the same leos (Rhythmic has individual and group routine categories), and gymnasts get to chose their own styles and colours and only wear the club track suit to show which club they're from.

These aren't available "off the shelf" quite as readily as WAG leos. Fortunately, in Auckland - just around the corner from Grandma in fact - is the wonderful Angel Fabrics. The lovely Linda specialises in dance fabrics and making custom gear for dance, ice skating, aerobics and gymnastics.

Tamsin and I popped in there yesterday to discuss Tamsin's Rhythmic leotard. I'd been thinking about one using neon lycra. Miss Tamsin, however, spotted a bolt of fabric on one of Linda's very well stocked shelves. Bright white background with variegated metallic ribbon printed into a rambling rose design.

Well, how could I not love it too?
So, in a couple of weeks Tamsin will have the most gorgeous Rhythmic leotard (they have short skirts, a bit like skating ones) in this fabric, custom made for her.
How cool is that?


Andie said...

Oh gorgeous fabbie! Can't wait to see the completed Leo :D

Rene la Frog said...

What beautiful fabric for a beautiful little girl. It reminds me of the ribbons they use in the routines.